Saturday, May 16, 2009

To add...

I absolutely hate it when I have no photos to share with my stories since I'm such a visual person. I don't read something unless it's tiny, or if it has pictures.


I do have a lot of random/pointless photos of Poochie to share :)

Poochie's New Shoes
She can be my new runner partner now :)

Poochie Bath Time!

Poochie Bath Time!
Poochie bath time!

Poochie phone home?
The hood got stuck while dressing her and as a result she looked like an alien.

Melted Chocolate
It was really hot and muggy in my room that day so she was really like melted chocolate on my desk and arm. She stayed like this the whole time while I was at the computer. She actually likes to lay on me like this quite often, but during this night she was extra melt-y.

More photos to come!