Friday, October 3, 2008

Oh Poochie, and Your Crooked Nose

Happy fall everyone! Fall has come and permeated the air. One couldn't be happier. Here are a few pictures of Poochie on one of our many outings. Unfortunately, it's only my backyard, but.. it'll do for now. We'll be going on more adventures soon, promise.

It was this puff of cloud that lured us out.

Poochie parachute in the form of a hoodie.

She was talking to nothing.

Shake and bake


All high and mighty like...

So evil looking...

I wish I could say "why yes, she was off leash. she's just that good".. but no.

Whenever I laid on the ground, I was confronted with the scary face of hers charging towards mine.


They also remind me of bicycle handles

I tend to confuse the name "Yoda" with the word "yoga".



It's adorable when she's seated properly

But it's cuter when she isn't

If anyone knows me.. they'll know that I'm quite obsessed with clouds, the sky, and flying.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I've been slacking off with the updates. I've been preoccupied with working on my new website/e-store at Please, go check it out and buy, buy, buy! I'm also going to have some minpin/Poochie related merchandise for sale there as well.
Poochie is super, as always. The weather, this past week, as been awful for Poochie. It meant, no long walks thanks to the heavy rain.
My mom and I got some fleece fabric to make a new vest/jacket for Poochie. We had a horrible experience at the Joann's Fabric store. I'm not getting into it.. but I will say: I have hated, currently hate, and will always loathe stuck-up, snobbish, rich, probably sucks their poolboy/son's best friend's c--k, does nothing but worthless, selfish bullshit to appear they're busy ASSHOLES who think they can cut in line to do something that takes 10 times longer than what the 3 customers behind them needed to do combined. I think she might've embedded a cancerous tumor into my brain that day. The employee there is also at fault, though she got a taste of her own medicine having to end up dealing with the same asshole who ended up looking down on her. Seriously.. it's not our fault we're not white and not rich looking. Alrighty. No need to comment on any of this. We all need to rant and rave at some point and it doesn't mean that we always mean what we say.. we just need to say it to feel an ounce better.

Poochie made our day a lot better.