As expected, it's been slow, but Poochie has made some progress in the socializing department. I really wish I had a fenced yard so she can run around as much as she wants. Since she's so fast and she gets so easily distracted by everything, I've been antsy about training her off leash. She knows when she isn't leashed so she knows she can run away if she wants to. She tends to get stubborn when I tell her to COME, but mostly when she's off leash. Only thing she will do is STOP an STAY when I tell her to.. I don't know, she listens sometimes, but I'm a long ways away from being able to play with her off leash in our yard.
I can't remember if I'd posted any pictures of her playing with Bailey back in November 2008, but I found a few adorable ones.
That's it for now.. be back soon..
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