Planning on taking her to the MICA campus for some socializing. Don't know if I'll go to my friends first, or second. We'll see. I don't think going to MICA will be too much for her, but luckily tomorrow's weather isn't looking so super. This means that there won't be as many people out wanting to greet her. I remember when Baby, the 2 month old pit bull mix I had (for.. two.. months.. :( became such an attention whore whenever I would take her out and onto campus. If only Poochie could've had some of that loving and attention when shew as a pup. It really is a shame.. Speaking of which... the lady who rescued her, Tara, recently e-mailed me Poochie's story and I'd like to share that with you:
Anne Arundel County Humane officers investigated a man who was a backyard breeder. The county only allows you 4 dogs without a fancier license and he had about 10. He kept them all confined in a room with little to no socialization. They were in good physical shape overall- decent body condition, but no social skills. The owner was forced to surrender 5 dogs in order to comply with the law. He gave up Hershey and Snickers (the girls) and 3 boys. The boys were unfortunately euthanized before we could get them even though our rescue informed them we would take them. They claimed they were biters. Well, duh! Unsocialized, terrified little dogs taken out of their regular environment will bite! We have rehabilitated many “biters” with great success. I personally own one that was set to be put to sleep by another rescue until I stepped in. He is one of the best dogs I have ever had and does not bite now that it is not allowed.
When I came to get the girls, they had them separated. They also would not let me put them in the same crate even though I was the one transporting them. Both girls were at the fronts of their cages, but the shelter workers treated them like they were rabid pit bulls and didn’t let me get them even though I offered. If they had been truly fearful, they would have been at the backs of their cages. Unfortunately, many shelters have prejudices against small dogs and especially min pins. I am just thankful that we were at least able to save 2 of them and get them into better homes. I would have really liked to keep them together as Snickers is the more shy of the 2 and took on some of Hershey’s confidence, but placing 2 dogs in one home at the same time is very hard to do. Hershey is being fostered right now and doing very well. She is the same color as Snickers, but her body type is completely the opposite. She is a TANK! I will send you some pictures of her as we had her for a few days as well. I am certain Hershey also had at least one litter if not more
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