She's more adorable than ever. As bratty as she is.. she is die hard cute as well as very smart. So... It's always about the chair. The chair is hers. As much as my dad nags at her, the chair is hers. It is.. the Poochie Chair.
Even without her comfy bed, it is her chair. I'm sure I've mentioned how when she isn't in her chair and any one of us are walking near, or by the chair.. she runs over and hops on into it.
My dad. My dad is now sitting in the chair. He sat down before she got to. Still, she immediately jumped on and though it may appear that she is snuggling... she is not. What she's REALLY doing is reiterating that the chair is in fact, hers. In a nutshell... the chair is no longer ours...

- Walks really well on the leash. I stop and tell her "stop" and she stops and looks at me. Then, I tell her to sit and she sits. This I do whenever a car drives by or whenever we come to a curb of the sidewalk.
- Loves to bark at people and dogs... Working on fixing that.
- Loves her Bobo doll in her crate.
- Loves her weird tabby cat rope, ball thing...
- Only downside so far... is that she doesn't listen to me unless I'm holding her leash. We started to get her to sit without the leash, but that was very shortlived.
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